Tuesday, May 15, 2007
May 20th Tournament - SBVC
Yes, we have another fencing tournament this Sunday, May 20 at San Bernardino Valley College.
All close of check-in times remain the same.
This is our end-of-season awards tournament and ceremony.
I am tired, too, especially at PCC's in Las Vegas last weekend and now another tournament this weekend.
However, DFA and COD swept most of the awards in all weapons, men's and women's categories, and DFA is the overall club champion of the division. It would be nice to have the recipients of the awards there.
Also, just so you know, since our second tournament of the season, I have been the division officer running this division. The chair, vice-chair and secretary all "bailed" out after the second tournament, so I have been running the division with Diane Whan running the tournaments. So, I do understand tired and am looking
forward to the end of the season, but actually, that does not mean an end to work, just don't have to rush to get items done.
Also, a new trophy has been created and the recipient is a DFA fencer. I cannot tell you at this time what the trophy is for or to whom it is destined, but it would be nice to have the DFA fencers in attendance.
I will be sending to all of you an email regarding PCC's this year. It was really an awesome tournament and I have stories and insights I want to share with all of you. I should have it typed and ready to email by the end of this week.
Again, DFA swept the awards and is the #1 club in the division. This speaks highly of the fencers, the coach and the parents. My thanks to you for making this season so successful for all of us by your support.
- Leslie
Sunday, May 06, 2007
DFA May 2007
Hi…and Happy May and Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms and grandmoms.
This is our May newsletter with all the info you need for May through August.
To Linden Ballen who has been accepted to Embry-Riddle University in Arizona and Aaron Fagan who is going to Vassar, in New York. Good academics and a fencing background played their respective roles in the young men’s admission process.
Kudos to Linden Ballen and Mitchell Link who both earned their C2007 rating in epee at the April tournament held at College of the Desert. The epee tournament was a B1 event and Mitchell took second place and Linden took third.
Lots of kudos and congratulations to Nico Bergmann who swept all the awards at the Open Call Show held at the McCallum Theatre, April 28. Nico won the ASCAP award, the People’s
Popular Vote award and the Grand Prize award. Nico played Listz’s Hungarian Rhapsody and, this summer, Nico will be in Hungary studying at the Franz Listz music conservatory.
The trophies are being engraved and the results are as follows for the 2006-2007 tournament season of the San Bernardino Division.
Men’s Foil: 2nd place, Mark Johnson, DFA
Men’s Sabre: 1st place, Scott Pippin, DFA, 2nd place, Costa Nichols
Men’s Sabre Team: 1st place, DFA, 3rd place, COD
Men’s Epee: 2nd place, Josh Butler, DFA
Men’s Epee Team: 2nd place, DFA
Women’s Foil: 1st place, Leslie Taft, COD
Women’s Foil Team: 3rd place, COD
Women’s Sabre: 1st place, Leslie Taft, COD, 2nd place, Gretchen Bueermann, DFA, 3rd place, Ellie Romig, COD
Women’s Sabre Team: 1st place, COD, 2nd place, DFA
Women’s Epee Team: 3rd place, DFA
Women’s 3-Weapon: Leslie Taft, COD
Women’s Team 3-Weapon: COD
Men’s Team Club Overall: DFA
Overall Club Champion: DFA
Please visit the DFA website, or San Bernardino Division website, for the entire points listing for all individuals and teams.
The End-Of-Season Awards ceremony will be held Sunday, May 20, at San Bernardino Valley College. It is also a fencing competition open with the usual close of check-in times.
Our rest of the season fencing schedule is as follows:
May 11-14, DFA will be closed as we are in Las Vegas for the Pacific Coast Championships
May 20, tournament and end-of-season award ceremony at San Bernardino Valley College
June 16, the Haake und Slasche tournament held at Victor Valley High School
June 18, DFA goes into its summer schedule (summer schedule posted on the DFA website)
July 4, DFA closed
July 28, DFA closes for the summer
August 27, DFA re-opens
Wishing everyone a happy summer and blissful fencing,
-Leslie Taft